Friday, June 20, 2008

My Birthday

Thanks Mom and Dad for having just one more! Next week it will be my birthday and I am going to have a Pampered Chef BBQ. Just a good excuse to have family and friends over.

Just Learning

I know so little about computers! That I really would love to be prolific in at least one program. So I thought that I would try to start a blog and see if I can be happy with the results. I'm not sure who will read it, but this is for me to learn something new. I wish myself luck.

Continuation of my ABC Profile

Nieces and Nephews - I have lots of them and now they are having families of their own.
Oh! I love my family! FAMILIES ARE FOREVER!
President – was elected as Student Body President at the LDS Business College 1991-92
Queen in my home, with a diaper in one hand and car keys in the other.
Running – my sweet sister-in-law is helping me learn, by pushing me around the track.
Spina Bifida- my second child was born with it. I’m almost an expert. (Not!)
Teach Relief Society! Love the sisters that love me and make it easier!
Umbrella – I never have one when I need it.
Van – just bought a new one from eBay. Dark Blue with an electric ramp for wheelchair.
Wish that I was better at or more knowledgeable about everything! I still have time.
X- It is eXtremely easy for me to do everything else, but what I should be doing.
Yvette – the baby in our family until seven years later, I came along. One of my favorite people to call and when possible “Hang Out”!
Z – never rode a Zebra!